The Ultimate Guide To Automatic Time Clock Payroll

time clock payroll

Keeping track of employee time seems pretty simple. Time sheets and time cards provide invaluable data about your business regarding how efficiently you are using employee time, labor costs, and areas for productivity improvement.

Whether you run a small or large business, you need a time clock payroll solution to track employee activity. Bosses and employees do not see each other for several days and that it is physically impossible to control such a large number of employees.

1. Inform employees about the time tracking system

It is very important that employees are informed about how the time tracking system works. It should also be explained to them what is expected of them. Don’t forget that over time, new workforces will arrive, which should be carried out the same way through the entire process. Show them the tools and instructions to follow.

Inform them regularly about updates, but also about possible errors. They need to know how much time they have for a break, the number of days off and the like. Eliminate the possibility of misinformation spreading by keeping all important information in one place.

2. Automate your time tracking system

A key step in the process is tool selection. Get rid of manual entry forever and get a time clock payroll software solution that provides a number of benefits for you and your employees. Platforms like Buddy Punch allow you to easily document all activities, receive reports, notifications and pay workers fairly.

3. Help managers

Check-in and check-out statistics, exceptions such as working time violation, transaction reviews, check-in reconciliation are the least favorite tasks of managers. Regardless, he has to do many things at once. In this case, burnout, mistakes or delays in work often occur. To prevent this, consult with managers when choosing tools.

4. Gather the necessary information

You can’t do anything without detailed information about employees’ working hours. This does not only apply to their arrivals and departures. Breaks, lunches and other absences are also required by federal law. So think about them, because tracking and paying overtime is an important item. Your employees must get enough money for what they did, but also not miss work. Thanks to good organization and the right tools, you can manage your resources without worry. Advanced features will allow you to document a higher level of detail which means you will make smarter decisions in the future.

5. Combine multiple technologies

Since you can integrate most apps, use multiple platforms as one solution. In this way, you will reduce time and improve compliance in the organization. You’ll have the opportunity to document content from multiple areas, and it’s a great solution for small and large businesses.


Every company owner wants to have insight into the state of his company. Monitoring the situation is equally suitable for workers as well as managers. To keep all parties happy, you should increase the performance of your methods like time clock payroll. Reduce unnecessary waste of money and other resources by choosing a time tracking app. Finally, a safe work environment also affects employee productivity. They will have access to their profile at all times, which means you will strengthen your relationship.

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