How to Increase Breast size: Tips to Enlarge your Breasts without Surgery

How To Increase Breast Size

Beauty does not only depend on how much makeup you have been done. Beauty means the entire body shape and kind behavior of a woman. Now, if you focus on the perfect body shape, breast size is the most concern in this matter. And a medical poll in the U.S. has revealed that more than 70% of women are disappointed with their imperfect breast size. And on the contrary, more than 35% of men are upset with the inadequate breast size of their companions. So it means breast size matters a lot for a woman to look favorable. We have got many pieces of sculptures, where the breast sizes were highlighted to make the woman better in shape. And not only that, the breasts are the most extraordinary things for an infant too. For infants, it’s the source of their feeding. And for adults, it’s the source of the major attraction of a woman’s beauty.

Preferences of breast sizes according to Indian Women

It’s not right to judge breast sizes as per a man’s perspective. But a woman also expects to furnish the favorable size of their breasts for self-satisfaction. Generally, the breasts of medium size are preferred the most. Not over small or large is precise. In India, the women primarily go with the breast sizes which are faultlessly fitted into the available bras. Though the vast majority of Indian women choose to wear breast covering clothes. However, the perfect size will be reflected over the clothes. So they prefer the sizes according to the proportions of waist and bust.

Instead of a big breast, now women’s worry is to improve their small breasts to look flawless in saree to tight tops. Every woman has not the capacity to go for surgery.  And so that they need of valuable tips. In this article, we are going to discuss some quick tips to enlarge your breasts without surgery.

Tips For increase Breast Size:-

If you really to enlarge your small breasts, then follow the below tips carefully.

  1. Proper Diet:
  • Need Phytoestrogen – As per the medical report it is claimed that, the lack of estrogen can be a reason for your small breasts. So you have to take additional phytoestrogen through your diet from outside. You can take a phytoestrogen tablet also. Though there are various options of food items that have enough phytoestrogen. Examples of that kind of foods are- walnuts, pistachio, cashews, black and green tea, flax seeds, strawberries, peaches, raspberries, red and white wine, etc.
  • Estrogen boosted foods – There are so many hormones that have specific duties within our body. Here estrogen is the hormone, got in female bodies. And the size of your breasts partially relies on this hormone. So if your body generates less estrogen hormone. Then it is no unhealthy to assume estrogen-loaded foods. Some foods that possess estrogen are- lentils, kidney beans, cucumber, carrot, beet, rice, wheat, barley, fenugreek seeds, clove, sage, dairy products, etc.
  • Weight Gain – Your breasts maybe look so minor for your fatty body portions. If the stomach, thighs, arms become fatter, accordingly your breasts look smaller than the other parts. So try to reduce some weight. If you cut eating junk foods, you can reduce your weight easily.
  1. Exercise:
  • Push-Ups – One of the most valuable exercises is push-ups. It has lost of benefits. It can strengthen the triceps and also can enhance the pectoral muscles below your breasts. If the pectoral muscles can be enriched, automatically your breasts start to increase. Now the question is how to do Push-Ups?

First, hold your stomach straight towards the floor. Next, keep your two hands below your shoulder. Then, push your stomach up and keep the hand straight on the floor. Again take your stomach down towards the floor. For a beginner, practice these 2 sets of 5-time push-ups. And for an experienced one, it can be done 3 years or 10 times.

  • Dumbbell Lifting – Dumbbell lifting can be a helpful exercise for you. As it can strengthen your pectoral muscles related to your breasts. For this, go to a good gym and hire a guide. Try to take around 7 to 12 pounds of weight. Hold the dumbbell with your both hands tightly. Then rip off your arms straight up and down. The heavyweight impact your muscles well.
  • Wall Press – If you are unable to do the Push-Ups. Then you can do a wall press exercise. Here you have to stand afar about 2 feet from the wall. Then keep your hands on the wall. And give stress on your hands repeatedly. It can also help you to enhance your arms and pectoral muscles.
  1. Select the proper braSurvey has proclaimed that most of the women use inaccurate sizes of bras. So you have to be more concerned about choosing the bras. If you put on a little tight-fit bra, your breasts also will look small. So choose a bra according to the band of your breast, not according to the cup size. Now if you know your size perfectly then it’s ok.
  • One of the best options is a padded bra. It is now too much available in the market. This bra contains pads that help to show your breasts bigger than the real.
  1. Breast MassageOne of the trusted techniques to increase the size of your breasts is breast massage. Take a sufficient quantity of olive oil. Then heat the oil slightly with your both palms. Then massage your breasts with the oil in a circular motion and upward motion. It helps to increase the blood circulation of your breasts. And in this way, it raises the size of your breasts. It is an essential tip among the quick tips to enlarge your breasts without surgery
  2. Proper Posture Always try to maintain the appropriate posture of your body. Keep your back straight and walk. Sometimes, the right posture can help to increase your breasts.


In this so many quick tips to enlarge your breasts without surgery. If you follow these patiently, it can surely be helpful for you. So keep patience and practice more.

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