
Monsoon Diet: What You Should Eat and Avoid For Better Health During Rainy Season

The monsoon season brings much-needed relief from the scorching heat of summer, but it also brings its own set of health concerns. During the rainy season, the increased humidity and moisture levels in the air create an ideal environment for the growth of bacteria and viruses, making us more susceptible to illnesses such as cold, flu, and stomach infections. To stay healthy during this time, it is important to pay close attention to our diet. In this article, we will discuss what to eat and what to avoid during the monsoon season.

What to Eat:

  1. Seasonal Fruits and Vegetables: During the monsoon season, seasonal fruits and vegetables such as watermelon, muskmelon, litchi, cucumber, bitter gourd, and pumpkin are abundant. These fruits and vegetables are high in water content and help keep the body hydrated.
  2. Soups and Broths: Warm soups and broths made with vegetables and lentils are perfect for the rainy season. They are easy to digest and help keep the body warm and nourished.
  3. Herbal Tea: Herbal teas such as ginger, mint, and tulsi tea have anti-inflammatory properties and help boost immunity. They also help in digestion and reduce bloating.
  4. Grilled or Steamed Foods: Grilled or steamed foods are healthier options than fried foods. Grilled chicken, fish, or vegetables are low in fat and high in nutrients.
  5. Nuts and Seeds: Nuts and seeds such as almonds, walnuts, pumpkin seeds, and sunflower seeds are rich in vitamins, minerals, and healthy fats. They also help in boosting immunity.

What to Avoid:

  1. Street Food: Street food is often unhygienic and can lead to stomach infections. Avoid eating street food during the monsoon season.
  2. Fried and Junk Foods: Fried and junk foods are high in fat and low in nutrients. They can lead to weight gain and weaken the immune system.
  3. Dairy Products: Dairy products such as milk and cheese should be avoided during the monsoon season. They are difficult to digest and can cause bloating and indigestion.
  4. Leafy Vegetables: Leafy vegetables such as spinach, cabbage, and cauliflower are difficult to clean and can be contaminated with bacteria and viruses. It is best to avoid them during the monsoon season.
  5. Cold Beverages: Cold beverages such as cold drinks and ice creams should be avoided during the monsoon season. They can cause throat infections and weaken the immune system.

In conclusion, it is important to eat a healthy and balanced diet during the monsoon season. Incorporate seasonal fruits and vegetables, soups and broths, herbal tea, grilled or steamed foods, and nuts and seeds in your diet. Avoid street food, fried and junk foods, dairy products, leafy vegetables, and cold beverages. By following these guidelines, you can stay healthy and enjoy the monsoon season to the fullest.

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